Bigg Boss 7 winner "Gauhar Khan"
Bigg Boss Is a Reality TV Program broadcast in India. Its looks like big brother format. According to the Bollywood now they finished their season 7 on last Sunday. Bigg boss 7 winner is Bollywood model and actress Gauhar Khan. And she’s so happy and she can’t believe her fate. She said,

It's a dream come true. I feel lucky, honoured and happy to won the show. The 15 weeks of hard work paid off and I feel on the seventh heaven right now," Now she thinks she can popular in india and she can continue her Carrie easily. Yah she can gain superstardom after this show.

After winning the big boss she said
“I wish this platform helps me gain superstardom. There is a very different feeling when people start calling you a superstar. And that's what I want .
Birth: August 23, 1983 (age 30),
Pune, India
• Height: 1.73 m
• Nationality: Indian
• Siblings: Nigaar Khan
• Awards: Apsara Award for Best
:big boss season 7 winner